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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Project In Action

Taum Komala Condotel - Seminyak, Bali .

Weave throughout the exterior wall.
Using aluminum frame and woven with synthetic rattan material.


Aluminum thickness: 1.5 mm
Aluminum size: 3 x 3 cm hollow
Amplifier aluminum frame: diameter 16 mm
Synthetic rattan material: VIRO Red Pine 12mm Flat

The front of the Taum Komala Condotel - Seminyak, Bali.

              Measurement Process                    Installation Process                       


Advantages of using woven walls :                                                                          BACK
  - Low maintenance costs.
  - For maintenance very easy.
  - If bored with the color can be removed and replaced with a new color.
  - The process is cleaner and easier than repainting.

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